Science News
BlotSeq single cell sequencing – animated!
MTM + NASA = Success
Life cycles of some insects adapt well to a changing climate. Others, not so much.
Postdoctoral fellow César Nufio and his colleagues (IB Professor Caroline Williams, Dr. Lauren Buckley, and Dr. Monica Sheffer) have shared a new study of Colorado grasshoppers that shows grasshoppers that overwinter as juveniles have a head start on those that emerge in the spring. Read more via this UC Berkeley News link here:
Yartsev wins Richard Lounsbery Award
In Memoriam Professor Emerita Thelma E. Rowell
It is with sadness that we report the passing of Professor Emerita Thelma E. Rowell during December 2024. Dr. Rowell joined the Berkeley faculty in 1974 as a member of the Department of Zoology and, later, the Department of Integrative Biology.
Yartsev wins Richard Lounsbery Award
Bridge RNAs: ‘Holy Grail’ in Next-Gen Gene Editing Tech?
Podcast: Think you know what dinosaurs were like? Think again.
"Was the T. rex brightly colored with feathers? Did it run as fast as movies make it seem? How new discoveries challenge our long-held beliefs about the world of paleontology." Integrative Biology Professor Jack Tseng shares his expertise. Read more and listen to the Berkeley Voices podcast through this link:
Victor Ortega Jiménez explains how animals move in 101 seconds
Learn how Integrative Biology Professor Victor Ortega Jiménez uses high-speed cameras to record fascinating slow motion footage of animals in the wild. Read the article and see the video through this link here. Please also check out this cool article featuring him called "The Hidden World of Electrostatic Ecology" (link here).
Diverse paths to discovery at UC Berkeley
Diverse paths to discovery at UC Berkeley
Stevens BME Graduate Programs Information Sessions
Unearthing California's Prehistoric Past - Paleo Talk Nov 18
On Nov 18, 2024 at 5pm, Dr. Lisa White, Assistant Director of the UCMP, moderates a conversation between IB graduate student Emily Bogner and IB Professors Juan Liu and Jack Tseng. Join the event to hear them describe their research on the ancient flora and fauna of our state, and what secrets it can reveal about the place we call home. Register for the event through this link: This is part of the UC Berkeley "Basic Science Lights the Way" event series.